
Precia is tapping innovation and knowledge leaders in science and medicine to move the needle in improving women’s lives.

Precia’s Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) are globally recognized subject matter experts from top-tier institutions in basic science, epidemiology, care delivery and policy, in both the developed and developing world. Precia provides sponsor access to these experts who assist in site selection, study design, data analysis and other critical areas.

The KOLs also provide real world feedback to sponsors in real time.

Precia’s Principal Investigators (PIs) are passionate about women’s health research and affiliated with the hospitals and clinics in the Precia Network. Their backgrounds include a wide range of disciplines and they bring enormous expertise in science and medicine.

Precia is focused on developing strategies and solutions that accelerate time to market.

Clinical Support Services

Site Selection

  • Feasibility assessments and pre-site selection visits
  • Match the sponsors needs with the patient pool
  • Identify the most appropriate PIs for the project

Study Design

  • Protocol and specimen SOP development 
  • Easily integrates into clinical workflow for optimal success rates
  • Maintains scientific integrity


  • Precia establishes contracts with the network sites in an expedited timeframe
  • We develop customized data structure
    • Build compliant electronic data capture solutions
  • IRB coordination
    • Protocol and study material submission
    • Site initiation visits to ensure site readiness

Study Oversight & Management

Customized Performance Management

  • Precia’s customized performance management tools enable us to identify and optimize the most effective staffing and recruitment strategies 
  • This results in faster recruitment, meeting or exceeding project recruitment goals
  • Precia managed sites have proven more effective than sponsor managed sites

Expedited Medical Record Access

We create customized medical record abstraction processes that enable you and your study sites to access to full and complete medical record data from the participant’s entire care team in a timely manner.

Precia Data App: Beyond Traditional EDC Solutions

The Precia Data App is modular and customizable for projects and is compliant with FDA and HIPAA regulations (And GDPR upon request). This flexible solution is available for Precia managed projects or as a standalone service for your own clinical research and trials.

The tool functions beyond traditional EDC. Some of the features include: 

  • Patient portal
  • Eligibility screening
  • Recruitment and scheduling support
  • Performance monitoring
  • Electronic CRFs
  • Specimen tracking
  • Sponsor profile 

Other Services


Precia partners with industry leading biospecimen storage solutions to meet sponsors specimen short- and long-term banking needs 


  • Precia advises community hospital systems that are establishing biobanks and research institutes
  • Consulting on the FDA Guidance Inclusion Plans 

KOL Access, Engagement and Facilitation

Sponsors access Precia’s vast network of women’s health experts who consult in study design, standard of care, market readiness and all else associated with getting a product to market